Our Stars Explained

I came across this video on Facebook a few days ago. It was posted by a lady on my friend list her name is Jen Murray. You can view her Facebook profile at the following link > Jen Murray’s Facebook Profile. The orginal video was posted on TikTok by someone… Continue reading

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?

Passion For Truth Ministries – Discover the fascinating origins of many beloved Christmas traditions and how they trace back to ancient pagan festivals like Saturnalia and Yule. Learn how early Christians in America, including the Puritans, rejected Christmas celebrations, instead observing biblical feast days such as Passover and the Feast… Continue reading

Syrian Air Force & Navy Destroyed by Israel

The Israel Guys – In the wake of Bashar Assad’s ousting, Israel has struck hard in Syria, launching 300 airstrikes in just a few days—marking probably their boldest air strike since the six-day war in 1967. From destroying air defense systems and Russian-made jets, to sinking Syrian warships, Israel’s response… Continue reading

December 25th On Trial – Why do Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25th?

Passion For Truth Ministries – Should Christians celebrate Christmas? Why do we celebrate Christmas on December 25th? Did the Catholic Church intentionally change the birthday of Christ to cover up an existing pagan holiday? Jim Staley takes you on a journey back in time to answer once and for all… Continue reading

Truth Or Tradition – Is Christmas Pagan?

Passion For Truth Ministries – Christmas is one of the greatest times of the year for every church and Christian. Thousands of dollars are spent on gifts, special services, and traditions for each family that date back hundreds of years. Yet why do we put such an emphasis on Christmas?… Continue reading