If Canada’s National Anthem Was A Country Song

Image by Jude Joshua from Pixabay

If Canada’s national anthem were transformed into a country song, it might go something like this:

(Verse 1)
🎵 Oh, Canada, land of the maple tree,
From the Rockies to the Atlantic, you’re where I wanna be.
With your vast skies so blue and your lakes so wide,
In your beauty and freedom, we take so much pride. 🎵

🎵 Oh, Canada, our home and native land,
We stand on guard for thee, hand in hand.
With hearts united, we sing this song so true,
Oh, Canada, we’re grateful for you! 🎵

(Verse 2)
🎵 From the prairies to the tundra, and forests so green,
In every season, your beauty can be seen.
With the northern lights dancing in the sky above,
Oh, Canada, you fill our hearts with love. 🎵

🎵 True North strong and free,
Oh, Canada, you’re the land of liberty.
With your diverse people from sea to sea,
In your embrace, we find unity. 🎵

🎵 Oh, Canada, our home and native land,
We stand on guard for thee, hand in hand.
With hearts united, we sing this song so true,
Oh, Canada, we’re grateful for you! 🎵

And that’s how Canada’s national anthem might sound if it were turned into a country song!

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About David Blum

I'm a Canadian Patriot, follower & servant of Yeshua the Son of YHWH who is the 1 true God. I'm also the Owner & Admin of this Blog.

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